My January Word

Coaching Tip #78

Good morning Day 10 of 2022. 

As you greet this day, I would like you to consider picking one word that will guide you through the next 21 days until the end of January.

Put this word in an “I am” statement.

This word might be something that provides inspiration or motivation. It might remind you of a key value of yours or encourage you to be aspirational with your strengths.  It could guide how you interact in a relationship or better interact with yourself.

For 21 days this word will be your best friend as you walk through your days and disappear into your dreams at night. This word may guide you through a decision or help you understand an emotion. It may cause you to slow down and take 10 breaths or get you to speed up and let things from the past fade from your attention.

The question is – what word do you pick?  You may already know what word resonates with you or you may need to think about it for a while.  Here is a couple of guidelines.

  • Take it for a test run. See if it rolls off your tongue.  When you are feeling stressed, face a challenge or need some inspiration, speak your word. See what you notice.

  • If your first word does work for you, try another. 

  • Trust your gut instinct. 

  • Choose a word that is yours, not mine or someone else’s.

Here are some examples that show you how powerful one word can be. They may or may not resonate with you but hopefully it will get you thinking.

I am…

Compassionate: We grew up with compassion being defined as feeling or showing sympathy for others. BUT it can also apply to you. For others, it might simply be saying I am listening without trying to fix the problem. People need compassion before solutions. Think about how you might offer compassion to those you interact with. But don’t stop there. Apply this word to you. Imagine 21 days where you focus on forgiving yourself for past errors or absent actions. Without compassion you can hold on to things that you cannot change – how is that serving your future self?

I am…

Committed: Have you stepped back and wrote down what you are truly committed to? This word can remind you of that in times of doubt or conflict. Is it a relationship or health goal? Is it setting boundaries or being all-in? Is it around being organized or perfecting a craft? What is it that merits an all-in commitment?

I am…

Courageous: Sometimes we need to call upon our strength of courage. In that moment of being unsure, courage is a word that gives us the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Would you like to bring more of this to your life? Consider this word or synonyms such as bravery, fortitude, tenacity, or spunk.

I am…

Curious: Have you stopped lately and said “I wonder”? Wondering is a skill we learn as a toddler and easily forget as a teenager. We can easily get stuck in our beliefs, our pattens, our should do’s, or the peer pressure of adolescence. Being curious is hard. It means asking questions, listening, and learning. Synonyms are inquisitive, investigative, analytical, or puzzled.

I am…

Decisive: Ask yourself how the word decisive would add value to you. Do you ever find yourself putting off making a decision that could accelerate your progression? Do you tend to vacillate between potential alternatives? Being decisive takes practice; try building it into your everyday actions.

I am...

Empathetic: The word empathy means having an ability to sense other people’s emotions and be able to imagine what they might be thinking or feeling. While some people are just naturally empathetic, this does not preclude all people from setting an intention to be more empathetic. Think about how this might benefit your relationships?

I am…

Encouraging: Like compassion, we grew up thinking of the word encouraging as how it applies to others. But it also applies to us. We must learn to encourage ourselves to stay on track, to take up challenges, to speak our voice. Take this word and apply it to you.

I am…

Patient: Goals, aspirations and desires are all motivators. But the road to achieving these things can be full of setbacks. Patience is a necessary component to long-term success. Like many of these other words, we grew up with the word patient. However, do you really understand what it means you. Is it taking 10 breaths, focusing on another task, or going for a walk? Knowing how to personally actionize this word can be a powerful tool in your toolbox.

Sticking with you word over the next 21 days will require some work. But keep up the effort. One trick I use is to set an alarm on my phone every 2 hours.  When it goes off, I silently repeat my word 3 times.  After 3 days, I no longer needed my reminder.

I am now 10 days into using my word. I have noticed a difference in my actions.  Curious on what my word is? Send me an email. I would love to hear from you.





Understanding Athlete Transition