Featured Tips
Goals are important. They become the guideposts to our actions and behaviors. But what happens when one goal runs counter to another. We must choose what to do or how to behave.
If you are like me, there are times when a battle can rage inside my head. It reminds me of the song written by the Clash – Should I Stay or Should I Go – except in my case the lyrics change to Should I Act or Just Say No.
The other night I watch Rafael Nadal play. It was day-time in Australia and as the temperature soared and the sweat beads dripped off the players, I could not help but observe some of Nadal’s quirky behaviors:
We all know that most athletes have some form of adjustments and possible struggles when they leave their sport. Change can be challenging. Change from something that has been so foundational to our existence is downright tough.
Athlete transition is complex conversation…
For most of us, it no longer just about survival. Instead, the tiger lurks when our self-image or our outward-facing persona is threatened. The “what if” can stop us from engaging in possibilities.
Turn off auto-pilot and get focused on the what really matters. Become aware of that. Actionize it. Acknowledge It
When you win a race, someone loses. When you scored that goal or aced a test you get noticed. That not only feels good, but it is also reinforced through comments, hugs, and rewards. There is a deeply imbedded need in our human DNA to feel included,
Does a thought strong enough to burst into our consciousness have meaning or is it just a random unconnected idea that a few seconds later floats away. If our brain was an Apple computer it...
The words I speak to myself matter. Consider picking one word that will guide you through the next 21 days until the end of January. This word might be something that provides inspiration or motivation. It might remind you of a key value of yours or encourage…