Are You Ready...

Coaching Tip #73

It starts with a thought.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with an idea? What do you do when this happens? Do you roll over and go back to sleep or scratch out on a piece of paper in illegible writing, words they may or may not make sense a few hours later?

Does a thought strong enough to burst into our consciousness have meaning or is it just a random unconnected idea that a few seconds later floats away. 

If our brain was an Apple computer it could log these moments, put them into a Word document and then analyze the connections. Probably one day in the not-so-distant future, with the advancement of our technological capabilities, this may be a possibility. The most powerful computer in the world, Japanese supercomputer Fugaku may already be already answering questions such as these.

While this may benefit some future generation, at this present moment it is our individual challenge to determine what is important and what is irrelevant. And that takes work.  

It comes down to a choice. Explore the idea or let it go.

One way to go about this is to keep an ongoing list of this seemingly random thoughts, concepts, ideas or visions that float up from somewhere. When you have accumulated a few of them, ask yourself some questions.

  • What are these words telling me?

  • Are any of these random phrases related?

  • Is there something on this list that gets me excited to learn more?

  • How does these fit with my goals?

  • If I took the time to explore one of them, could the resulting actions add value to the world?

Not every idea is worth exploring. However, some will keep niggling at you and others will incubate in the back of your brain for years before they reveal themselves to be important.

But when something resonates with you, whatever that “it” is, unless you move thought to action, it will stall and remain only a concept. To move forward, that takes both courage and energy.

While some of the great advances in our world are a result of courage and energy, most are small gifts that impact relatively speaking, a small group of people. And this is ok, it’s how we progress.   

I speak from experience on this. My book Personal Next and online course Success After Sport began with a concept during a meditation. Will it change the world – No.  But it does have an impact on those who engage in it.  And in turn, one of those individuals who read the book or took the course may then go on to change the world.

I have witnessed how this works countless times. Someone else’s courage and energy, both in life or in death, shifted a perspective, added a value or provided a gift to another.  

My coaching tip this week is very simple: when you have that moment when something piques your curiosity, take some time to explore it.

If you do not, the world will miss an opportunity for your wisdom to manifest itself.


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