Pivot Power

Coaching Tip # 58

Things don’t always go according to plan.

I know this, as does every other person who strives to achieve a goal. It is never a straight upward sloping line from start to achievement. Bumps in the road are a normal part of our journey toward that meaningful goal.

But it is what you do with those bump that separate out a champion from everyone else. That is the focus of this week’s coaching tip.

When things are going well it is easy to put our head down and focus on the tasks at hand. Each day has a purpose and an action plans attached to that purpose. Progress is marked off in small increments as days are crossed off on a calendar.

However, when something interrupts those intense but positive days, whether it is in your control or not, a champion understands that pivoting their strategies to cope with the new circumstances is necessary.  This is a key skill set we all have used in the past, but can struggle with in times of frustration, anger or disappointment. Emotions turn off our logical brain.

In the case of a required pivot, knowing that you have handled adversity before can provide the critical courage to handle adversity today. Here are 6 steps to a successful pivot.

  1. Acknowledge the circumstances – We cannot control and change what we are not aware of or willing to admit.

  2. Allow yourself to be disappointed, upset or angry. The emotions you feel are real. Then take ownership on how long you want to carry that emotion around. Is it 10 minutes, a day, 10 days or 10 years?

  3. Remove the blame and go to the facts. Shift the language inside your head from what is wrong with me to what just happened to me? This simple question can help you detach from the internal criticism and begin to move toward external opportunities.

  4. Explore ways to pivot. (both by yourself and with individuals that you trust) Ask yourself, given the circumstances what can I control, or what little steps can I take to get back on track. Write down as many ideas as you can.

  5. Land on the best ones that work for you. Be realistic on what you can take on. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Start with one strategy and then add others as you begin to gain momentum.

  6. Embrace those strategies enthusiastically. Don’t look at what you can’t do, look to what you can move yourself to do. Get excited about this. You have now put yourself back in control. Celebrate these new wins as both a step forward and a victory over adversity!




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