Keep Your Eye On The Ball
Featured Melinda Harrison Featured Melinda Harrison

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

We are bombarded with information in this internet era, and it threatens our focus on pursuing excellence.

We are predisposed and encouraged to build an addiction to seeking out information. It starts first thing in the morning with the simple action of picking up our phones when the alarm goes off. And it can continue all day long through…

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Mental Health Matters
Featured Melinda Harrison Featured Melinda Harrison

Mental Health Matters

Coaching Tip # 60

It starts with the adults in the room. We need to show it is safe to talk about our whole well-being not just our physical well-being.

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Featured Melinda Harrison Featured Melinda Harrison


Coaching Tip # 59

We know that you matter to others. Your schedule says so: it is full of commitments that you have made to others. I want you to stop and say out loud: I matter, too!

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Pivot Power
Featured Melinda Harrison Featured Melinda Harrison

Pivot Power

Coaching Tip # 58

When something interrupts your progress on a directional goal, whether it is in your control or not, a champion understands that pivoting their strategies to cope with the new circumstances is necessary.

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Hurdles and Turtles
Featured Melinda Harrison Featured Melinda Harrison

Hurdles and Turtles

Coaching Tip # 56

Turtles know how to offer the right kind of support at the right time in the right moment of need. The turtle knows the “we” is more important than the “me”.

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Living With Your Emotions
Featured Melinda Harrison Featured Melinda Harrison

Living With Your Emotions

Coaching Tip #55

The feelings we have in the moment of struggle are completely normal. It is the space after the emotion where you can turn a mistake or failure into a future success.

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