Dreams or To Do Lists

Coaching Tip #49

Do you have something that you want to accomplish?

To be successful at it, take time to distinguish the type of goal it is. Is it a dream goal or a modest ‘to-do list’ item or somewhere in between these two very different intentions?

I write ‘to-do lists’ all the time.  I do this for three important reasons.  The first being that it gets removed from my cyclonic brain and it is stored on that piece of paper that gets glanced at throughout the day. It helps me to organize my priorities and decreases my anxiety that I will forget something. If that list is not close at hand, and something pops up that needs to be added to it, I simply send myself a message. The second reason is there is magic for me if I write something down. I have learned over the years, this simple undertaking of putting pen to paper increases the likelihood that I will do it. Finally, I also love the act of crossing things off on this written down list.  As silly as that sounds, it makes me feel like I have momentum and especially right now, where we are all more isolated, these little WINS have a big IMPACT.

So, are ‘to-do lists’ actually goals? For some people they are and others they are not. This is a question that only you can answer.

Because of my athletic background, I purposely make a distinction between these two objectives.  For me, goals fall more toward the dream end of the spectrum. They are things that I am striving for and have a desire to achieve. My big goals mostly lie outside of my comfort zone. They are not guaranteed cross off things on the ‘to-do list’. 

When I set a dream goal, I write it down. But I do more than that.  Before I even develop the actions necessary to accomplish these types of goals, I spend time thinking about the commitment it will take to reach my objectives.  Dream goals are a big deal. To help with this process I write down the answers to the following 6 questions. The more clarity I have the more prepared I will be to develop an action plan.

  1. Why is this goal meaningful to me?

  2. What is my time frame?

  3. How will I know when I get there?

  4. What are potential obstacles/challenges that I might face?

  5. How am I defining a mini-WIN and a big-WIN?

  6. How will I recognize my accomplishment?

On the path to achieving a challenging goal, I know that I will have some success and some setbacks. These questions help me be prepared for both.

As you incubate your goals for 2021, before you actually write any action steps down, I challenge you to answer these questions. Spend time on them. I think you will find that your answers provide inspiration as well as contribute to your resilience when the going gets tough.





The Dark Side of Control