It's Your DAY

Coaching Tip #41

As I writer I try to be intentional about my words. As a coach, I know words have an impact and can positively or negatively create reactions and have long tail consequences.

Each week, I take a pulse of the issues that any one of us may be experiencing and decide on what I want to write on. I have deliberately put these words on paper for you. I believe the following sentence can both be helpful and a difference maker for your day in front of you.

I have a choice on how I want to approach today.

Here is a behind the scene look at my reasons.

The word “I” indicates that the individual understands that they are in charge. When you say I, it is clear, who is directing the thought or action. In psychological terms this is known as agency: the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices

The word “choice” indicates options, which requires a level of thinking. It demands attention to alternatives and presupposes an intent to discover the best solution for you, someone else, a situation or a combination of any of these three stakeholders.

The word “today” indicates you are present. You focus in on today and more importantly what you can or cannot do today. It is much easier to control and cope with the here and now. It is something that requires attention and action.

But for me, the most powerful word in this sentence is the word “approach”. Approach demands a commitment to an attitude. And when looking at outcomes, attitude matters. There are lots of different types of approaches we can take. For contrast, I have paired these in opposites:

  • Energized or Lackluster

  • Optimistic or Pessimistic

  • Pride or Disgust

  • Anxious or Calm

  • Confident or Doubtful

  • Bold or Shy

  • Gratitude or Selfishness

  • Approval or Blame

  • Love or Hate

If you woke up today and reminded yourself that

“I have a choice on how I want to approach today. My approach to this situation, or this problem or this person will be … (fill in the blank).”

How does that shift your day? How does it impact those around you? How does that affect how you feel inside yourself and what is the long tail result of this simple but powerful mindful grouping of words?

Try it and let me know what you experience.



"GO TO" or "GO SLOW"


Acknowledging or Noticing is Different than Just Recognition